


The Four Vedas – What are they?


They are four Vedas in Sarvam- Sanatana Dharma; Rig, Yajur, Sama & Atharva Vedas.


The Veda Technology - How are the Vedas engineered?


The four Vedas are known as Shruti. Shruti is a term used to categorize the form of sound that the Vedas are heard. The knowledge of the Vedas was conveyed to the Rishis by Brahma (The Lord of Creation) by way of sound. Shruti in the form of Mantra is verily ‘Isvara’ Himself in the form of sound. Understanding this form of sound is not easy. For the sound emitting from the human throat to relate to the Supreme Sound (God), the sound emitting from the throat must be based on the principles of Truthfulness (Satyam) – meaning the reciter of Mantras is obliged to tell the truth at all times for the Mantra to take effect. A person who is inclined towards the knowledge of the Vedas is one who is practicing Mantra Shastra.


Qualifications of a Mantra Shastra practitioner

Practicing Mantra Shastra or performing regular Mantra Japa (repeated chanting of the holy names of God) requires a specific set of qualification:


1) Level headed and cool-minded


2) Never angered

3) Compassionate and merciful


4) Humble as a blade of grass


5) More tolerant than a tree

I have been praying, but my prayers are not answered - Why?

The Vedas outline 6 negativities known as Arishadvargas prevalent in us that prevent us from attaining salvation or liberation and had caused unending conflicts in the history of mankind which are:

1) Desire or lust – kama

2) Anger – krodha

3) Greed – lobha

4) Attachment – moha

5) Pride or false ego – ahamkar and

6) Envy or jealousy – matsarya

The consequence of not checking these negativities (arishadvarga) before commencing any practice in Mantra Shastra or Mantra Japa is the main contributing factor to unanswered prayers or in most situations – conditions go from bad to worse.


How do I ensure effective praying?

The basics of effective prayers are by practicing the following:

1) Always tell the truth

2) Never be angered


3) Learn to minimize the 6 negativities (arishadvarga)


4) Service above self


5) Learn Mantra Shastra from an authorized and authentic Guru


6) Mantra Japa to be conducted with perfection i.e. mantras recited and pronounced with absolute clarity and never rushed.


For more information regarding Vedas click Resources


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