Who is GURU?
Guru combines the syllables ‘Gu’ meaning darkness or ignorance and ‘Ru’ meaning a ray of light. Therefore a Guru removes the darkness or ignorance that covers our consciousness towards a liberating ray of light that enlightens the ‘Atma’ – soul.
Our Guru
R. S. N. Iyengar was born on the auspicious date of November 23, 1961 in Bentong, Pahang, Malaysia. He comes from an auspicious lineage known as Sri Sampradaya – Kaushika Gothra which decends from the Sage Brahmarishi Vishwamithra. The last of three siblings, playful and much loved by the family, R. S. N. Iyengar inherits three Sampradayas (school of thought), namely the Sri Sampradaya through his father, the Rudra Sampradaya through his mother and the Brahma Sampradaya through his siksha and diksha Guru, the late Srila Jadismara Prabu (Pioneer of the Krsna Conscious movement in Malaysia - 1969).
Following many years of arduous training in Malaysia, India and in the Himalayas, R. S.N. Iyengar has been guided to awaken the knowledge of the Sri Sampradaya sown deep in his consciousness. With numerous trips and visitations to sacred grounds in India, R. S. N. Iyengar has been in deep study of the ancient Agamas of both the Vaishnavites and the Shaivites and bravely expounds that there are no differences or superiority amongst the age old traditions of both the Vaishnavites and the Shaivites. The Vaishnavites and the Shaivites are the descendants of the ancient Vedic or pre-Vedic Hinduism theology known as Sarvam-Sanatana Dharma.
As a young adult in his 20s, R. S. N. Iyengar took to distant towns, travelling alone on foot and public transport to places unfamiliar to him all over the country. His mission was to preach and spread the actual and forgotten truth of the ancient Vedic religion, correcting every misinformation about Hinduism (Sarvam-Sanatana Dharma) to Hindus of every sect, teaching and building awareness of the basic Hinduism rituals and prayers, and warning the masses not to indulge in the false propagation or false practices of Sarvam-Sanatana Dharma.
The spread of “Samatvam” (Equality to All, Indifference to None) is R. S. N. Iyengar’s fundamental drive in serving the many needs in all of us. Assisting the many that have begun to realize and are willing to cross from the great Vedic religion into the realm of Vedic spirituality and beyond, R. S. N. Iyengar has been conducting classes all across Malaysia and to this very day, spreading the Tatva of Satyam, Dharma, Shanti and Prema.
The blood of Sri Sampradaya is galvanizing through R. S. N. Iyengar’s body, mind and spirit to move ever quickly to spread this Vedic science of “Directed Consciousness” so as to meet and solve accumulated ‘karmas’. Inculcating simple but daily positive spiritual changes with understanding of the Vedic Scriptural Sciences is what the Sri Sampradaya is known for. Personal transformation to reach and understand the highest knowledge of the true self was the path taken by King Kaushika, a Raja Rishi, who undertook arduous penance (tapasya) to become a great Brahma Rishi known as Brahma Rishi Vishwamitra.
R. S. N. Iyengar is fondly referred to as ‘Guru Prabu’ by his students. Being well versed in Rig, Yajur, Sama & Atharva Vedas, Brahma Vastu, Vidhya Sastra, Jatagam & Panchangam, amongst others, Guru Prabu Sri Syamalanathan Iyengar has personally directed and thought a handful of disciples to become Priests, Brahma Vastu exponents and Vidhya Sastra Jadagam practitioners to serve society. These spiritual activities are being carried out through the Dharma Shakti Vedanta Gurukulam established in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur and is based on the strict and sacred guidelines of the Sri Sampradaya – Kaushika Gothra.