Empower the power which is, achieve complete balance in life both materially and spiritually using the knowledge of Vedanta

Our Mission is “Vedas, going Beyond Tradition“.
It means that righteously seeking happiness using Vedic concepts. Vedic concepts are not very well known among Hindus in Malaysia as it is in India. Therefore, in order to familiarize the Dharma Shakti Organization Malaysia holds the core role to spread the Vedic concept and equip the Malaysian Indian with positive moral ethics such as hard work, smart work, right attitude, application of karma yoga, bhakti yoga, nyana yoga, and raja yoga.

The above logo of Dharma Shakti Organization Malaysia consist of 8 lotus petals (5 dots), one Headed Serpent and an Inverted Triangle.



Sarvam – Dharma Sakthi Organization always practice everything that is sanctioned by the Vedas and convey our sincere respect and appreciation to all religious fractions to establish unity in diversity based on Vedanta.

Balanced knowledge – Therefore equips mankind with the original teachings of the Vedas and disseminates balanced knowledge (as per Shad Sastram) that will benefit the spiritual and material development of mankind.

Service above self – The main aim to provide solutions based on the original teaching of the Vedas that addresses personal and community issues.

Organization Structure

Organization Chart (Graph) (1)